The WoLF Award was created to recognize one outstanding woman in our community each year. Intentionally so, a strong link exists between JWLF and WoLF, as demonstrated by certain key attributes. Wolves are highly intelligent, social animals who draw their strength from interaction with one another and share a common sense of purpose; to ensure the survival of the pack. As a member of the pack family, each adult wolf assumes responsibility for providing care, food, shelter, training, protection and play as they embrace the fact that the future of the pack is in the hands of their young. They act strategically and with a sense of shared purpose.
WoLF Award Nomination Criteria
The WoLF Award recipient will be a woman in our community who has demonstrated these attributes in an extraordinary way. We have identified the following attributes for consideration: Intelligence, loyalty, survival, discipline, communication, compassion, family, teamwork, work/life balance.
- Loyalty, Survival and Family: No other mammal shows more spirited devotion to its family, organization or social group than the wolf. A wolf’s purpose for existing is to ensure the survival of the pack. Where the pups are concerned, each member of the pack assumes the responsibility for food, shelter, training, protection and play. The pack always knows the young are their future.
- Discipline, Compassion, and Work/Life Balance: Wolves are very social animals that draw their strength from physical contact with each other. Play refines their skills of communication, teamwork and hunting. They become physically stronger and mentally tougher through play. Wolves do not aimlessly choose or harass their prey. They are keen observers analyzing the physical and mental state of each member of the caribou herd. When they do attack it is with purpose – they are aware that one well-placed hoof of a caribou can kill a member of their pack. The wolf seeks long-term victory rather than short-term success.
- Intelligence, Teamwork and Communication: Not every member of the pack aspires to the boss. Some prefer to be hunters, caretakers or scouts. But each has a crucial role to play as part of the team. Wolves don’t rely upon any single form of communication. They howl, nuzzle, lick and use intricate body language including lips, eyes, and their tail position. As they hunt, the situation changes by the second and these different communication techniques allow the pack to constantly adjust their strategy to achieve success.
WoLF Award Nomination Form
If you know a woman in our community who exhibits the characteristics above, has achieved something monumental, or values these attributes and acts accordingly, please consider nominating her for our next WOLF award. WOLF awards are given every May during our Annual Forum. To make a nomination, please submit a candidate and bio to [email protected].